A note to Men: How to get the girl! |Part 1

Hi there, Thanks for stopping by. I guess by the Title you are wondering what this is all about and if you are a guy, how this is going to help you get the girl you want. So let’s just go right in. As we all know, the mind of a women can be so […]

The Next Holiday….

When is it? Soon I hope! I am pretty sure we ALL love holidays/vacations. I recently went to Costa Rica this year and had such an awesome time. I love experiencing other cultures and way of life. One part of my experience in Costa Rica was that it reminded me so much of my country. […]

What Easter means to me

Every year people get so excited for Easter. Countries all over the world have a whole weekend to celebrate. At least in my country they do ;-P  Anywho, when  you think of Easter, what is the first thought you have? What makes Easter, Easter? Is it the Marshmallow peeps? or the chocolate covered bunny? or […]

Cold office….

So i just read an article about cold office syndrome. I know i am not the only one who goes thru this but its just funny that so many of us suffer from this!!! I actually brought in a space heater because it gets way too cold even with layers of clothes on that i […]

Do you have fear?

When you fail to recognize God, fear manifest in your life. Strong faith and great courage can still contain fear!!! So you must RECOGNIZE Him and he will take care of those fears 😉