Every year people get so excited for Easter. Countries all over the world have a whole weekend to celebrate. At least in my country they do ;-P  Anywho, when  you think of Easter, what is the first thought you have? What makes Easter, Easter? Is it the Marshmallow peeps? or the chocolate covered bunny? or going Easter Egg hunting? getting dressed up? going to church? or maybe just spending time with family?

For me, Easter is not about that any of those things.  Well just maybe some peeps lol. No no, For me Easter is about Jesus Christ. About Christ dieing for me. I mean think about it, would you die for someone? Think about the one person that means the most to you. What if you could trade you life for them, would you do it? if you said yes, its because that person is so important to you and that you LOVE them that much, you would give your life for them.

(John 15: 16 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friend)

That’s how much my Jesus loves me. He loved me that much to go thru some brutal suffering. Imagine being beaten to where the skin on your back was being ripped off. Or your hands being nailed to a tree? being whipped and have thorns cutting and piercing your head. That’s something none of us should ever have to go thru. That is why I am so thankful. So thankful that my Jesus did that for me so that I can live the free life that I live. I can do whatever I want and so can you.

I love having such a wonderful God that no matter whats is happening in life, he’s there. All you need is to build a relationship with him and know him as your savior. In 1 John 1:9, Jesus tell us to confess our sins and he will forgive us. Its that easy! He forgives ALL sins. Even the ones you think he won’t forgive.

So my lovey peeps, I pray that you will find the true meaning of Easter, not the commercialized meaning. If you don’t believe me, Search! Find your answer! If you search hard enough, you will find the truth 😉

Good Luck!

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