The fast is over!

I did it! I exceeded my expectations and hung in there to the very end. Like I’ve said before, I wanted to give up so many times. Two years ago when I attempted this fast, I only last 1 week. You can say that I was weak lol. So I was ecstatic that I was strong enough to not give up even when I really wanted to. Without the help of accountability partners, I would not have been able to do this. So thank you to those people!

I can say that at the end of this three week fast, I lost a total of 5lbs!!! That was pretty awesome being that I was super lazy before-hand. The first time I had other foods besides salads, rice, avocado and eggs, it was very strange. I could not eat as much. I get full much quicker. My digestion was out of wack. I can’t eat sugar any longer. I feel most excited about this because I had the biggest sweet tooth before this fast. Yesterday I had a bite size piece of snickers and I almost spitted it out (Snickers are my fave!) so that was interesting. The last two days, every time I ate anything remotely sweet I got a head-ache from the sugar rush. I want to continue to stay away from sweets which in turn means the lbs. should continue to go down.

Overall this experience was very tough but worth it. The last few days I had to tell myself that I could finish the race. A pep talk to myself was necessary on the daily. I would definitely recommend this fast to anyone up for a challenge. It goes to show how powerful our minds are and that with God, we can accomplish anything! I am thankful for his grace and the strength and courage he gave me to never give up.

If you’ve kept up with me during this fast, thank you so much and I hope that I was able to help motivate you in some way. Cheers to more healthy choices! 🙂

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