Oh my goodness, I didn’t realize that I was addicted to Caffeine! Every morning for the past how many years, I’ve always had a cup of tea. It’s part of my morning routine. I always thought that the tea, aka “Caffeine”, didn’t affect me. I was in denial that I was dependent on my cup of tea. Boy was I wrong! These past five days (I stopped drinking tea one day before the fast) have been a revelation to me. Going cold turkey on the caffeine intake has really had me reconsidering my decision (I guess this is how alcoholics or drug users must feel when they have withdrawals).


Day three I continued to suffer with a slight headache that sat right at the front of my forehead. It was constant. I took one Advil which honestly did nothing for me. I felt super tired and went to bed earlier than norm because I just wanted it to go away! Day four, which is today, was super difficult. Like I said earlier, I wanted to give up this no drinking tea thing. It’s like relapsing. I seriously considered it! After dinner I did a forty-minute workout session which sort of helped with the headache. I did end up taking two Advil’s during the day today. I Googled how long the headaches can lost and basically it can take several days depending on how much caffeine you take per day.


If you drink like four cans of soda or coffee/tea, anything with caffeine, the symptoms can last quite long. But what I discovered based on my research is that you need to drink lots of water and be active. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to endure the in-between.  I decided that I will not give up and I will go on until I am no longer dependent on Caffeine. I want to reach the point where the headaches are gone. I also do get tried more easily and feel almost drowsy at times. There are other symptoms I did not discuss but these are just a few of the symptoms I have been experiencing.


Today’s’ Inspiration:  1. Corinthians 6:19-20

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.”

Day 3 Food                                                                 Day 4 Food

Breakfast: Egg and Corn Tortilla                                 Breakfast: Egg and Corn Tortilla

Lunch: Salad with Eggs & avocado                            Lunch: Brown Rice W/Avocado & Beans

Dinner: Garnaches (Belizean like Taco)                      Dinner: Baked Potato

Snack: Pear, Carrots, Popcorn chips                           Snack: Apple, Crackers


Drinks: Hot Water with Lemon (great detox) and Water

Only 17 more day left of the Daniel fast, we are getting closer. Stay encouraged!

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