When you say you’re going to do this, you better be ready. That mean prepping yourselves the week before you start the fast. It doesn’t mean to binge eat everything in sight the day before. I started this fast yesterday (1/8/18) and I was super excited and ready for it. Or so I thought….


Day one was the easiest which I think is the most case for anyone starting anything. Whether it’s the first day at a new job, first time trying something, first time following a schedule or routine, first time going to the gym, first time going on a plane, you get the point. The first time is always exciting and you feel super motivated until… Day 2. So like I was saying, day one was easy. I had my food and day planned. I ate an egg with corn tortillas for breakfast with a cup of warm water and lemon (I gave up tea!) 🙁 . For lunch I had a salad with a hard-boiled egg, a tiny bag of mini pretzels which I realized was a no no and also had some dairy free yogurt with fruit and granola which I also should have passed on. Lastly, for dinner was soup with brown rice.


Day 2, which was today, was SUPER hard! Ate the same breakfast and lunch (except for I added half an avocado to the salad) and rice and beans for dinner. For snacks I had baby carrots and a pear. Day two with no tea equaled a major headache! I realized that I am addicted to tea (Black tea). So no caffeine led to the headache. After dinner I did my 1hr workout session in my garage/gym (hoping it would help with the headache). My headache felt slightly better but I did end up giving in and took an Advil. During work, I felt like I got hungry quicker but it could have been that I kept thinking about food. (Totally doing that right now) To get my mind off it, I popped in my headset and listened to music.


I’m still pushing through day two writing this because I want to just go eat a bag of chips right now lol. But once the sun shines again, we will be down to 18 days left. I can do this! (So can you 😉 ) Cheers to Healthy living 🙂

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