Vlog# 98| October Tomorrows: A hurricanes a Coming!!

Vlog# 96| Food, Coffee and more food| September Tomorrows

Vlog #95| Wedding Talk, Fancy Dinner & Car Chats

Vlog #93 | Nordstrom & Sephora Haul

Vlog #92| TJMAXX Givenchy Find + Girls Night Out

The decision to keep $800 shoes or return them. Discovering I also have heartburn and enjoying girls night!
Vlog #89| June Tomorrows: St. Pete + The orlando Eye | ItsYonella

Vlogmas 22′ Pt. 3| Gift Shopping & Wrapping ItsYonella|

Vlogmas is almost over and I just can’t believe it! its warp those gifts!
Vlogmas Pt. 2 2022| Magic of lights | ItsYonella

First time experiencing the Daytona 500 Magic of lights show.
Vlogmas Pt. 1| Christmas Party season begins

Its time to party! Christmas parties are one of my favorite parties to attend.
Vlog #71 Pre-Christmas Fun| ICE, thanksgiving & Fiesta at the park

Its that time of year when we all get excited for the Christmas festivities:-)