This is going to be a super quick post because my days have been quite the same. I’ve been wanting to give up every day but when I think of how close I am to the finish line, I keep going. I have great people around me who are so supportive. I still very much have a cookie in mind though lol. But I won’t give in. My boss actually brought cookies, croissants and cupcakes today for a co-worker’s birthday and I just cried lol. (well inside that is ha-ha)


I literally have 4 days left to go! Can you believe it?!!!!! It seemed like it was just yesterday I said I was starting this 21 day fasting challenge and here we are. Almost to the finish line! I just want to encourage you today to keep pressing on. Even if you mess up, don’t give up! God is a forgiving God. 🙂


Foods: Literally the same stuff from previous days. I can’t wait to have a piece of chicken!


Good luck friends!

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