2014 was such a big year. It went by so fast but so many things occurred that it was an amazing year. I took a moment to reflect on all the amazing things God did for me in 2014 that I became overwhelmed with peace and joy. Counting your blessing is a must!

If you have gotten to the point where you feel hopeless or discouraged (and yes I know it is just the beginning of the year, but a lot of people get this way this time of year depending on how the previous year ended) Take a moment or a day and look at everything you have. Then track your steps backwards. Are you still in the same place you were a week ago? A month? A year? Five years ago??? NO! Or at least I hope your not, it is almost impossible to be in the same place regardless of what you may think or feel. Why you say? Because everyday we grow or learn or meet someone or something that impacts our life someway or another.

Each and every single day is a Blessing. Why? Because you are here! You were meant to be here! Just being able to see another day is a blessing. Even drinking that cup of your favorite Starbucks coffee or tea (for tea lovers like myself J) or reading your favorite book is such a blessing! You can’t always loot at the big things because the little things are what allow us to get to the big things.

For me, 2014 brought on a huge trial, but with Love and Faith in God, I got thru it. I don’t look at that in 2014, I look at the positive things. Reflecting on the negative will just bring you down, so I reflect on the little things that helped me get thru those times. One Big blessing that I am so grateful for is Friends! 2014 brought a lot of wonderful, loving people into my life.

For a time before, I felt so alone, like I had no one to talk to. But God was preparing me for the people he would put in my life. He didn’t just bless me with one or two good friends; he gave me a whole handful of them! And he restored a lot of friendships that had faded away. So never take your friends for granted. They are a BLESSING!

So, like I said earlier, COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS! Aim for the good things and don’t let the negative things in life distract you. There is always a blessing in every trial. You will be surprised how many times you’re blessed once you start counting 😉

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