Vlog# 97| TJMAXX shopping and Fun @ Orlando Pride + Company Olympics Over?!

I found the best stuff at TJMAXX. Such great makeup finds! Then my Fiancé and I cheered on the Orlando Pride at a great match!
Vlog# 98| October Tomorrows: A hurricanes a Coming!!

Vlog# 96| Food, Coffee and more food| September Tomorrows

Vlog #95| Wedding Talk, Fancy Dinner & Car Chats

Vlog# 94| Car Chats and Singleness | August Tomorrow’s

I’m Engaged!! The best BIRTHDAY SURPRISE EVER!

I never thought this would happen to me. It was truly shocked when the moment arrived. I have found my true love ♡
Vlog #93 | Nordstrom & Sephora Haul

Vlog #92| TJMAXX Givenchy Find + Girls Night Out

The decision to keep $800 shoes or return them. Discovering I also have heartburn and enjoying girls night!
Palm Beach Vlog 2024 | A Weekend Away

You know how everyone talk about the luxe “Palm Beach”, they were right. In all my hear of living in Florida, I had an idea of what it was like be in Palm Beach. I thought of luxury, mansions and a lot of rich people. And it totally is lol. Just driving in downtown Palm […]
Vlog #91| July Tomorrow: Sheriffs Office Visit & Marshalls Shopping